Fredericia furniture Calmo 3 Fredericia furniture Calmo 3

Complete furniture solutions

FurnMaster is a global OEM supplier of complete furniture solutions serving market-leading furniture manufacturers and international, high-end brands.

We bring ideas to life

We manufacture a vast variety of furniture designs including sofas, easy chairs, office chairs, lounge furniture, privacy screens and pods, and our high-quality solutions meet the stringent demands of both home and contract markets.

As an OEM supplier, FurnMaster brings customer designs and ideas to life developing, engineering, proto-typing and manufacturing high-quality furniture. We manage the entire process and supply chain – from concept to furniture user – including product specifications, sourcing of all materials and distribution.

With production and development facilities across Europe and North America, FurnMaster is able to provide customers with local market knowledge, quick-to-market solutions and easy access to engineering and manufacturing support.

Regardless of where in the world we do business, we operate according to high ethical standards and with a strong focus on protecting the environment as well as on ensuring safe and decent working conditions for all employees.

Our core offerings

Our core offerings include fast lead times and short-term deliveries, flexible and agile production, product development and specifications, quality management, supply chain management, and an efficient distribution setup.

Key customer benefits include complete furniture solutions, an extensive product line, getting products to market faster, entering new markets more efficiently, innovating with speed, local market knowledge, and an efficient distribution setup.